A delegation from Asturias Digital Innovation Hub (AsDIH) participated in the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) Network Summit, which was held on 26th and 27th November at The EGG Brussels.
This second edition of the EDIH Network Summit brought together the main actors and stakeholders of the European Digital Innovation Hubs Network, of which AsDIH is a member, including representatives of various thematic working groups, national authorities and expert groups.
The summit was attended by more than 700 EDIH representatives from 43 countries, a very high number that gives an idea of the consolidation of the network. In fact, one of the main objectives of the meeting was to facilitate collaboration between network members, to exchange challenges, opportunities and good practices and to learn from each other.
New EDIH 2.0 call in 2025 focusing on artificial intelligence
During the meeting we learned about the announcement that next year the new EDIH 2.0 call will be published, which is aimed at EDIHs with European funding and with a seal of excellence. In this new call, artificial intelligence will play an important role, as digital innovation centres are expected to become AI enablers.
The EDIH Network Summit programme included working sessions with top-level information on key topics such as the challenges of artificial intelligence. Cases of best practices used for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises and innovative solutions that are being applied in multiple areas, such as cybersecurity, digital health or smart connectivity, were also presented.
Our delegation took part in some of the more than ninety working sessions that were held during the two-day event.
Among other activities, we attended round tables on how to cooperate between EDIHs or on how to reach out to companies, capture their interest and tailor services to their needs; a workshop on data-driven intelligence about the EDIH Network and its customers, or a session on the Digital Maturity Assessment Tool (DMAT) for SMEs.
AsDIH’s bilateral meetings with WalHub from Wallonia and FactoryxChange (FxC) from Ireland
During the meeting, AsDIH held bilateral working meetings with EDIHs from different territories, including Italy, France, Wallonia (Belgium) and Ireland.
The Walloon EDIH is called WalHub. It is designed to drive the digital transformation of manufacturing companies in the region. Its main focus areas include key technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), high performance computing (HPC), cybersecurity and the Internet of Things (IoT).
WalHub is led by the federation of industry and technology (Agoria) and involves two clusters active in manufacturing and transport and logistics (MecaTech and Logistics in Wallonia), four research and competence centres (Sirris, Cenaero, Cetic and Multitel) and an economic development partner (IDELUX). In this project, WalHub also benefits from the support of the Walloon Digital Agency (Agencedu Numérique).
As for FactoryxChange (FxC), also known as Factory for Change, it is a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) in Ireland, with a focus on the digital transformation of manufacturing industries towards factories of the future (Industry 5.0). Located in Mullingar, Ireland, and led by Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR), this hub is dedicated to integrating green, digital and social solutions into the core business models of companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
FxC provides advanced services in areas such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, high-performance computing and additive manufacturing. It also collaborates with other institutions such as the National Centre for High Performance Computing (ICHEC), the Insight Centre for Data Analytics and the Technological University of the Shannon. It aims to provide access to cutting-edge technologies, advanced digital skills and innovative solutions for businesses and public bodies across Ireland.
Meeting with the European Digital Innovation Hubs Network Project Officer
Representatives of all the EDIHs in Spain attending the meeting met with Eoghan O’Neill, Senior Policy Officer of the European Commission and Project Officer of the European Digital Innovation Hubs Network.
It was a great opportunity to strengthen ties and analyse the next steps to be taken within this European programme to support the digitisation of SMEs.
In addition to AsDIH, members of EDIH MADRID REGION, Digital Innovation Hub de Catalunya (DIH4CAT), INFAB HUB, DIHGIGAL – Digital Innovation Hub Industrial de Galicia, DATAlife, Andalucía Agrotech DIH, Basque Digital Innovation Hub (SPRI Group), INNDIH, i4CAMhub, DIGIS3 and Aragón EDIH attended this meeting.
EDIH network awards for four Spanish digital innovation centres
Four of Spain’s EDIHs won two of the five prizes awarded by the European network. Digital Innovation Hub de Catalunya (DIH4CAT) won the Green Digital Transformation Award. The Triangular Series initiative of Aragón EDIH, CIDIHUB (Canary Islands) and TEch4efficiency (Extremadura), in the category of Collaboration with other EDIHs, won the People’s Choice Award.
These four EDIHs are members of the Spanish EDIH Network, as is AsDIH. Congratulations to our colleagues!