Fully-equipped Industrial Electronics laboratory, used to develop products
adapted to needs of Industry 4.0. It has the capacity to develop and test industrial products adapted to surface mounting manufacturing technologies, as well as smart systems and systems that have auto-test capacities with Microchip, Texas Instrument, Arduino, NodeMCU, ARM systems, FPGA spartan 6 etc.
Uses and applications
It has many different applications associated with the analysis of large volumes
of data to plan production, make productivity, automation and quality control
predictions in industrial processes.
Equipment classification
Demo units
Service code
Equipment code
Associated services
• Use of the advanced Industry 4.0 exhibition hall to carry out experimental
tests on 4.0 technologies and to test and try out advanced technological
• Use of the homes and buildings automation exhibition hall to carry out
experimental tests and validation of technologies, as well as to test and try
out advanced home automation solutions.