Additive manufacturing

The Principality of Asturias has particular capabilities in additive manufacturing through the IDONIAL Technological Centre (specialised in industrial production technologies) and the University of Oviedo, as well as facilities and staff from private companies and in which numerous parts, components or personalised prostheses are already being produced for sectors such as metalworking, aeronautics or biosanitary. This technological area also has professionals who are specialised in this field, with numerous testing centres and technological demonstration pilot plants and lines for printed electronics and bioplastics, the printing of construction components and the additive manufacturing of metal products.


We offer you a range of services that will help you implement this technology
in your project and will allow you to speed up the industrial digitalisation of your company.

Advice for the implementation of additive manufacturing technologies

Technical and feasibility study for additive manufacturing and 3D digitalisation of surfaces

Proof of concept in additive manufacturing and 3D surface digitalisation.

Feasibility analysis on the use of waste or recycled material as raw material for additive manufacturing processes.

Proof of concept for the functionalisation of components through the integration of 3D printed electronics.

Technical feasibility analysis of component manufacturing using additive manufacturing technologies.

Preliminary tests on new additive manufacturing processes.

Preliminary feasibility study for the development of new materials for additive manufacturing.

Additive manufacturing: technologies and processes, materials, design methodologies, advantages and industrial applications.

Specific training actions in additive manufacturing process areas.

Specific training actions in the fields of 3D surface digitalisation and part verification.

Guidance and support services in the search for sources of public funding for the development, implementation and use of digital solutions.

Support to digital enablers, individualised investment readiness services, access to private investors, incubation services and consolidation support.

Support for access to digital innovation networks and ecosystems



Research groups and specialised technology centres


Specialised equipment


Projects approved


Millions invested


Tell us what you need

Find the additive manufacturing equipment that your project needs

Equipment search engine.

We provide you with infrastructures, equipment and training related with this technology.


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