On 23 May, we hosted the collaborative workshop of the EEN-GalacteaPlus consortium and the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) of Northwest Spain at our headquarters in Gijón.
The aim of these joint workshops is to coordinate to provide optimal services to the entities of our territories, especially to small and medium-sized enterprises and public administration, in the field of digitisation and digital transformation.
Another objective is to promote the transfer of clients between the different EDIH.
During the conference, we shared methodologies and good practices for the search of SME that need to advance in their digitalization. It is critical to be attractive to attract this type of company, or to learn how to differentiate ourselves from other programmes.
The entities of both networks attended the meeting to advance in the search for synergies and in the design of joint actions for SME.
European Digital Innovation Hubs Network (EDIH)
At the heart of the European digital revolution is the network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH). A dynamic, pan-European community of experts whose mission is to redefine the digital landscape for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and public sector bodies (PSO).
A network that includes well over two hundred organisations in Europe (twenty-five in Spain), specialised in more than thirty technologies applicable to more than forty productive sectors and distributed in more than thirty countries.
The services they provide within the framework of the Spanish Government’s Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan are classified into four blocks: Test before investing, Skills and training, Financing advice and Networking.
In addition to AsDIH (Asturias), DIH DATAlife, DIHGIGAL and INFABHUB (Galicia), DIGIS3, CYBERSECURITY INNOVATION HUB and DIHSE SILVER ECONOMY (Castilla y León) and CANTABRIA DIH (Cantabria) participated in this meeting of the EDIHs of the Northwest.
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), created in 2008, is the world’s largest network supporting innovative SMEs that want to grow internationally. It also provides services to entities working with SMEs.
The EEN-GalacteaPlus consortium is composed of the Foundation for the Promotion of Applied Scientific Research and Technology in Asturias (FICYT) as Coordinator, SEKUENS Agency and FADE (Asturias), GAIN and CEG (Galicia), ICE and CEOE CYL (Castilla y León) and the Chamber of Cantabria, SODERCAN and CEOE Cantabria (Cantabria).